925-263-2700 New home sales are up. Are you ready for new home purchase? Contact our mortgage broker in San Ramon. CONTACT US FHFA Seeks Credit Score Input The Federal Housing Finance Agency is asking for input on a possible change to its credit scoring models. Fannie...
925-263-2700 Lenders are reporting that they have lowered their credit. Contact our mortgage broker in San Ramon for refinancing opportunity. CONTACT US More Lenders Easing Up Credit Standards More mortgage lenders are reporting that they have lowered their credit...
925-263-2700 Credit score is a very important factor in getting the right mortgage rate. Contact our mortgage broker in San Ramon for more information. CONTACT US 12M Consumers May Get Credit-Score Boost The three largest credit-reporting agencies will begin cleaning...
925-263-2700 Increase your credit score before purchasing a home? Contact our mortgage broker in San Ramon to plan ahead. CONTACT US Increase Credit Score By 100 Points! Increase credit score before purchasing a home will be a good idea. If you are looking to buy a...
925-263-2700 How to qualify for a Jumbo Loan? Contact our mortgage broker in San Ramon. CONTACT US Jumbo Loan In many areas of the country you can find a great single family home for less than $250,000. In other areas of the country, that’s what you’ll need for a down...